September 2006 to June 2008
Our last “What’s New” was uploaded at the end of August 2006. Had we known that Roslyn would get her American Championship a month later, we would have procrastinated a bit longer! So, here are some highlights from the past two years…
Am. Can. Ch. Fernhill’s Roslyn – A new AKC Champion September 30, 2006
Roslyn’s show career was interrupted with a litter by Ch. Fernhill’s Atticus in April 2005 and a litter by Thistleglen Neville before he was exported to Australia. In 2006 Roslyn emerged from motherhood to take Best of Winners at the Mid-Atlantic Deerhound Association Supported Entry on September 30, 2006. This 5-point major finished her AKC title. She accomplished this title with two 5- point majors, a 4-point major and then this final 5-point two weeks before her 6th birthday …. that’s our girl!
Am. Can. Ch. Fernhill’s Roslyn finishing her AKC Championship
with a 5 point major at the MADA Supported Entry two weeks before her 6th birthday.
Of the Foothills – a visit from Ron Gordon October 21-22, 2006
In October we had a flying visit from Ron Gordon. Ron is the son of Charles Forbes Gordon (“Of the Foothills”) who owned one of the most remarkable Deerhounds to ever course game. Born in British Columbia June 30, 1923, Spey Of the Foothills hunted “prairie wolves” (coyotes) and deer in Canada until 1925. That year, Charles took Spey and his dam Sheila hunting in Africa. There they hunted gazelle, antelope and other game in South and East Africa until 1926, when Charles had his right arm mauled by a lion. Sheila died in Kenya, but Spey returned with Charles to Scotland and was used on red deer as well as starting a short show career. In 1927 he went to Crufts, and then at the Scottish Kennel Club show in Edinburgh under the eminent Deerhound Judge and breeder, Harry Rawson (“Saint Ronan”) Spey came 1st in both the Novice and Graduate class winning two of the Deerhound Club silver spoons (Below right). In addition to bringing his father’s photo albums to share, Ron very kindly presented us with Spey’s silver spoons, which was a great honour. This is a Deerhound that coursed fast game on three continents, and we are proud that our Deerhounds (and just about every one else’s Deerhounds as well!) can be traced back to this very influential male.

Charles Forbes Gordon with, from left to right...“Maida of Bridge Sollers” (who was a litter mate to “Ch. Tragic of Ross”), “Sandy” (“Bambino of Bridge Sollers” lying in the foreground) and Spey. At the time he was in running form, Spey weighed 78 lbs, was 30 inches high, and girthed at 32 and ½ inches.

Spey at Hopedale, Morayshire, circa 1930. Spey died in 1933.
The story does not end there. Although Charles’ health prevented him from owning and hunting Deerhounds ever again, it was to Charles Gordon that Kenneth Cassels turned, on the advice of James Cummings, when Kenneth felt compelled to revive competitive coursing with Deerhounds in 1953. It was through the contacts of Charles Gordon that Kenneth found an estate on the Dava moors that allowed the Dava coursing meets for Deerhounds (and later Salukis and Deerhounds) to be held starting in 1954. In those early days the coursing competition, with the prize of the “Dava Quaich”, included coursing red deer, until hunting deer with dogs was banned in 1957 in Scotland. For almost fifty years, Deerhound coursing at Dava stood out as the single most important competitive event available for understanding the nature and structure of Deerhounds at work.
The story of Charles Gordon and Spey is provided in more detail in the SDCA magazine The Claymore November – December, 2006 (pp. 26 – 18)
Christmas 2006 A time to think back, to think ahead and let our friends know (even if it is just by email), how much they enrich our lives.
Fernhill’s Javelin GCG JC x D.C. Nightwatch Islay Mist D’Lux SC LCX– a Janet Porter litter (d’Lux) born December 28, 2006
We were delighted that Janet Porter (d”Lux Deerhounds) decided to use Fernhill’s Javelin (co-owned with Soso Whaley) at stud with Misty and on December 28 2006, 5 boys and 3 girls arrived. Our stud fee puppy, co-owned and residing with Javelin and Soso, is a lovely male called Fernhill’s Huntly d’ Lux, shown below (below) at 9 months …
and by 11 months (above) he was a Best Puppy in Group winner at the Worcester County Kennel Club, December 1, 2007!
Our interest in Janet’s litter stems from the lovely parents and a most interesting pedigree which combines some judicious Beardswood, Foxcliffe, d’Lux bloodlines with a bit of Fernhill in the mix as well … Below is a three generation photo which shows Janet’s two from this litter with their dam and grandsire.
Below Left to right: Darlene Minor holding Ch. Foxcliffe Quiddich (bred by Cecilia & Dr R Scott Dove) and co-owned with Darlene and Charles Minor, Quiddich being the sire of Misty who is shown in the centre with Mary Snow, and on the right is Janet Porter holding Highland Fusilier d’Lux and Heatherdale d’ Lux (Javelin X Misty).
Fernhill’s Vanguard x Fernhill’s Amelie – a Fernhill litter born March 20, 2007
Surrogate whelping? What could be easier than a litter of two … especially when you decide that the dam isn’t going to have puppies at all, and you send her back to her owner after the due date comes and goes. Fernhill’s Cailean Adair and Fernhill’s Mary Electra Buchanan started their lives on March 20, 2007 on Sharon and Michael Whitcomb’s divan after travelling back and forth between Fernhill and Montreal in utero several times. Fortunately their dam Fernhill’s Amelie had no whelping problems and Sharon and her husband Michael were left to clean up the mess, then chauffeur Amelie, in her whelping box, back to Fernhill a week later with “the Girls” in a picnic basket, champagne and lots of laughs on how we were fooled!
The Girls have landed!!
The Girls developed beautifully and it was wonderful to have their new owners Barb and Len Yaroski who selected Cailean, and James Forrester who was promised MEB, visit frequently and watch them grow.
Above: Fernhill’s Cailean Adair at 10 weeks owned by Barb and Len Yaroski, Oshawa, Ontario
Above: Fernhill’s Mary Electra Buchanan at a 10 week photo shoot, owned by James Forrester and William Forster, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Island.
Mary Electra Buchanan (MEB) is an “Island Princess” as she joined James and Bill on the Turks and Caicos Island (TCI). James visited often and then in August flew MEB off to her new world to live with two “Potcake” buddies (Island aboriginal dogs) Eric and Vicky. So began a series of hysterically funny “updates” from TCI accompanied by photos that vicariously took Sharon and Michael Whitcomb (Amelie’s owners), Barb and Len Yaroksi (family through sister Cailean) and us, through the antics of MEB and her further development, her favourite toys, her length of stride, her epicurean cuisine, her weight, her toys, and every aspect of her life as an Island girl. James Forrester has related his experiences in owning a Deerhound on a tropical island in “The Princess and the Potcakes” The Claymore May-June, 2008
Below: Fernhill’s Mary Electra Buchanan at six months at her home in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands (photo James Forrester)
Thistleglen Neville x Aust. Ch. Ardtalamcu Embers – a Jocelyn Thompson (Ardtalamcu) litter born April 6, 2007
Meanwhile our friend Jocelyn Thompson, who imported Thistleglen Neville (Ch. Thistleglen Leeds x Ch. Fernhill’s Thistleglen Tenille) from U.S.A. to NSW Australia in early 2006, made the mistake of sending us pictures of her litter whelped on April 6, 2007 out of Aus. Ch. Ardtalamcu Embers (Aust.Ch. Innellan Carpet Knight 1618214 x Aust.Ch. Nelungaloo Flitter 2100035217). We ended up bringing back to North America two from this litter: Ardtalamcu Mojave Man and Ardtalamcu Nootka. This was only possible because of the incredible kindness of a SDCA Club member in Los Angeles, Heather Harris, who volunteered to pick up Mojave at the LAX airport, get his rabies shot so he could enter Canada, then transhipped him to Toronto two days later where we picked him up. After four days of travel from Australia crouching beside this huge wooden box with the Canadian customs official peering over our shoulder, all of us wondered what we would find inside. On unwiring the crate, a beautiful golden Deerhound climbed out, placing his front legs on my shoulders, he nuzzled my hair and licked my face. The Customs officer beamed and said … “Boy! is he ever happy to see you again!” While it was a relief to find him so unstressed, we were totally astonished to discover later that absolutely nothing fazes this fellow. He has never met a person and dog that he didn’t like or a situation that makes him nervous. However, by the time all the bills were paid we decided to share Mojave with Lucy Ivanoff, and Nootka with Julie McPhail and Susan Trow. Syndicate ownership, the ultimate in binding friends together!
Mojave at 13 weeks
Mojave at 5 months
Above: Ardtalamcu Mojave Man 7 months old at Fern Hill
Our Ardtalamcu Nootka co-owned with Julie McPhail and Susan Trow, lives with Julie and vicariously through pictures with the rest of her owners.
Nootka pictured at 6 months.
Ardtalamcu Nootka pictured at one year
The Scottish Deerhound Club National Specialty – April 26-28, 2007 Fontana Village North Carolina
The Scottish Deerhound Club of America National gathering of the clans for Deerhounders took place in North Carolina in 2007, a mere two days drive with our pack: Roslyn, Lyric, Vesper, Vanguard jammed into the minivan. There haven’t been many missed Specialties since Barb’s first in 1970. It is such an unparalleled opportunity to connect with friends, catch up on news, see how the dogs you admire in pictures actually interact with you in person and how they feel and move, and time to check out as well, another generation of youngsters.

Julie with Fernhill's Valor of Big Sky winner of the 12 - 18 month class
Since North Carolina is optimistically somewhere between Ontario and Texas, we caught up with Julie and Duncan McPhail who came with their daughter Madolyn, Ch. Fernhill’s Azure and Fernhill’s Valor of Big Sky, and their Ch. Highlander’s Zoe Cameron d’Lux, dam of our Astrid and Anica. Valor warmed up with placements in the Futurity and Sweeps and then won the 12 – 18 month class (Below). He added that win to his show record of a Best Puppy in Match and a Group 3 from the 9-12 month puppy class at an all breed show. It was a thrill to see Maddy start off the parade of champions with Azure (Below). She worked hard during the week handling for Julie and Barb and won as well the impressive Best Junior Handler award (second year in a row!). Maddy ended up as # 1 Jr. Handler in Scottish Deerhounds for 2006 and 2007 and Barb was very fortunate indeed to have Maddy help her out during the Specialty week!
Azure in 2006 placed in the ASFA coursing top 10. At this year’s SDCA National, he came in 2nd in the Open stakes (1 pt off of the first place winner who went on to get Best in Field) in AKC coursing. He has a Group placement and it pleases us that he is both a good lure coursing and show Deerhound. He ended 2006 by getting his third invitation to the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship because he was in the top 25 for Scottish Deerhounds.
Above: Ch. Fernhill’s Azure at 4 years
There were lots of fine performances at this Specialty. Soso Whaley’s Fernhill’s Javelin (Am.Can. Ch. Pyefleet Niall x Fernhill’s Dulcinea) was entered into more events than you ever knew existed. He came 1st in the 4-event All Round Hound – but don’t ask what all the events were as Barb was frantically trying to collect him from various competition rings so he could participate in the Bred by Exhibitor class. He also came 1st in the Rally Novice, 2nd in a very tough Bred by Exhibitor class, and 3rd in the LGRA Racing in a field of 31 entries.
Below: Fernhill’s Javelin straight racing
Tagging along with Javelin was his 4 month son Huntly. Below is the dynamic trio enjoying Fontana, N.C.
We were pleased that Fernhill’s Lyric did so well. Barely over 2 years old, and in the time honoured Fernhill tradition of taking a long time to mature, we knew that he really wasn’t ready for such a big event. Nevertheless, he did his sire Ch. Fernhill’s Atticus and dam Am. Can. Ch. Fernhill’s Roslyn proud by topping a class entry of 35 males to take Winners Dog.
Fernhill’s Lyric (2 years and 2 weeks old) at the SDCA National Specialty (photos by Susan Trow)
Other highlights included seeing the breed’s top winning Deerhound of all time, Ch. Thistleglen Margot (Ch. Thistleglen Leeds x Ch. Fernhill’s Thistleglen Tenille) adding a SDCA National Specialty BIS to her roster of awards. Also, the lovely “Rosie” (Ch. Lehigh Verona) daughter of Ch. Fernhill’s Intrepid was a worthy winner of a very competitive Veteran Bitch class (7 to 9 years) . There were class wins and placements in the Futurity, the Sweepstakes and Regular Classes by Fernhill’s Vanguard, Fernhill’s Vesper, Fernhill’s Vesta. Our new Champion, Roslyn received placements in the Brood Bitch class in the Futurity and Specialty and got pulled in the Championship Class. Our thanks to Joan Giles, who handled her so beautifully (below).
By the time we hit the brace class Roslyn was thoroughly fed up with five days of travelling and showing …. when the team class rolled around, we decided to pass rather than endure more withering looks from our matriarch. So ended a beautifully organised, thoroughly enjoyable National Specialty
Fernhill’s Lyric and dam Ch. Fernhill’s Roslyn in the brace class.
We headed off for the two day drive home scrunched even more like sardines into the van thanks to Lyric’s enormous “haul” that included the huge silver tray known as the “Lasting Legacy for the Boys”. It wasn’t until Joan Giles, the SDCA trophy chair called a year later in April 2008 , that we found out that this lovely “Lasting Legacy for the Boys” was a Challenge Trophy that had actually been won outright by Lyric’s grandsire Ch. Fernhill’s Turbulent Indigo in 2001. Three wins by Fernhill males bred and owned by Barb clinched this. The first Fernhill male to go Winners Dog at a SDCA National Specialty was Fernhill’s Caliban (owned by Sheila Matheson) in 1986 at Amherst, MA. However, the trick in retiring a Challenge Trophy is to breed and own the winner, so in 1994 at St. Louis MO, with Fernhill’s Wyvern placing Winners Dog and in 1998 at Carlisle PA with Fernhill’s Torquil and then in 2001 at Vergennes VT with Fernhill’s Turbulent Indigo, we technically retired this Winners Dog Challenge Trophy. The other trick to retiring a Challenge Trophy is to remember the AKC challenge trophy rules. Since these are not exactly the type of bedtime reading that keeps us enthralled, we missed that 2001 retirement opportunity by not realising that Fernhill males actually had retired it. It took Lyric’s win in 2007 (and Joan’s “guess what” phone call) to wake us up to the fact this huge silver tray was “ours”. Since polishing silver is not our forté and such a historical piece really deserves to stay with the SDCA, we decided to re-donate the trophy to the Club as a perpetual Winners Dog Trophy that now will be known as “Fernhill’s Lasting Legacy for The Boys”.
It’s a pity there isn’t such a trophy for Reserve Winners dog. On verifying Joan’s calculations we had our own trip down memory lane and realised that Fernhill Deerhounds had won Reserve Winners dog at SDCA National Specialities four times as well. Starting in 1980 at Poughkeepsie, NY with Gwent’s Trefor O’Fern Hill, then in 1987 at Palo Alto, CA with Fernhill’s Taliesin the Raven, in 1992 at Leesburg VA with Fernhill’s Wyvern, and in 2000 at Merrimac,WI with Fernhill’s Torquil .
Fernhill’s Logan of Jeffcairn J.C. (Atticus x Roslyn) x Ch. Sindar Sea Poppy – an Allyn Babitch (Sindar) litter born May 17, 2007
By May, the family expanded again when Kris and Bayard Smith’s Fernhill’s Logan of Jeffcarin sired a litter with Allyn Babitch’s Ch. Sindar Sea Poppy. This is a litter to watch and we had hoped very much to get a puppy. Logan (Winners Dog at the 2006 Western Regional Specialty) is a multifunctional Deerhound, very close to our ideal (Richard won’t forgive him his costume class prowess). “Poppy” is a daughter of Ch. Jaraluv Kempthorn out of one of my all time favourites, Ch. Windshift Bramble.
Below: the many faces and facets of Logan…Super Dog extraordinaire!!
The Finnish Deerhound Specialty, Tampere, Finland – August 4, 2007
An invitation to judge the Finnish Deerhound Specialty in Tampere on August 4, 2007 proved to be one of those unforgettable life experiences; not just for the wonderful hospitality that I received but because there were truly so many first class specimens of the breed represented in the entry of almost 70 Deerhounds. My judging notes are provided at: or email us at for a PDF. The focus of these comments are not individual critiques of dogs, but rather a discussion on some common structural issues in Deerhounds that seem prevalent throughout the breed in all continents that I have visited as well as some of my thoughts on their significance and their relationship to husbandry. It was gratifying to have so many quality Deerhounds presented to me in Finland.
Above: Sweetscot Calvin Klein (Fin.Ch. Sweetscot Fernrigg x Int.Nord.Ch. V-97/98 Nord V-97 KbhV-97 EUV-97 MV-98 Sweetscot Philadelphia) my Best in Specialty Show … a beautifully balanced, sound, well muscled Deerhound that won from the Veteran class. Owned by Virva Silvasti and bred by Ansa Assinen (Sweetscot)
Above: The “Sweetscot” clan! It was delightful to have this “family” photo taken of myself with the Finnish connection all bred by Ansa Assinen (bending over her Kilbrandon Mortimer x Sweetscot Blair Atholl puppies). Most, if not all of her many lovely Deerhounds, were descendents of her two North American imports Fin. Ch Fernhill’s Portia at Sweetscot (Ch. Crannoch’s Fenris O’Fernhill x Fernhill’s Fair Kyla) and Karen Keiffer’s Fin. Ch. Balnagown Hoodoo (Ch. Christie’s Glen Fiddich x Balnagown Who’s Foolin’ Who).
Leoch Fiddich x Fernhill’s Lantana – a Gabi and Oliver Fritsch (Atzberg) litter born August 31, 2007
An eagerly awaited litter planned by Gabriele and Oliver Fritsch arrived on August 31, 2007. This litter involved a trip to Scotland by Oliver and Lantana to visit their chosen sire Leoch Fiddich (Leoch Ballintuim x Strathdechtn Dava) pictured below at 1 ½ years. Lantana easily popped out 5 dogs and 7 bitch puppies.
It was an exciting time watching these puppies flourish through weekly photos until November when Susan Trow flew over to Austria to pick up my boy Laska (Atzberg Laska O’Fernhill) and a female for herself called Atzberg Legacy of Caretta. For a wonderful collection of photos of this litter see Welpenbilder :
Above: Atzberg Laska O’Fernhill moving out at 7 weeks and at Fernhill at 7 months
Ch. Christie’s Glen Fiddich x Am. Can. Ch. Fernhill’s Roslyn – a Fernhill litter born September 21, 2007
Twenty years ago there was a very handsome Deerhound who made Deerhound history by being the top winning Deerhound dog, after capturing 9 Best in Shows and a SDCA National Specialty (Denver, CO 1990). His name was Ch. Christie’s Glen Fiddich (whelped April 26, 1986) and his sire was our Am.Can.Ch. Crannoch’s Fenris O’Fernhill F.Ch. Breeder–owners Christie and Joseph Biehl became good friends over time and we never lost touch even though they retired and did what clever retired folks do, they moved to Florida. They were also farsighted enough to have Glen Fiddich collected and frozen in 1991, something that we always regretted not doing with his sire Fenris. Instead, at Fernhill, we line bred on Fenris for this was a dog that was a superb performance hound, a brilliant show dog and as time has proven to us, a producer of healthy and long lived Deerhounds… one of those rare individuals that consistently sired pups that lived to be 12 – 14 years of age.
Above: MBIS, BISS Ch. Christie’s Glen Fiddich (Am. Can.Ch. Crannoch’s Fenris O’Fernhill, F.Ch x Ch. Ch. Balnagown My Marnie)
When the Biehls offered us the option of using Glen Fiddich’s frozen semen our immediate choice was Roslyn who traced back to Fenris through her dam Camille, but had no ancestors in common through her sire Ch. Lehigh Urquhart. Roslyn offered us an opportunity to go back to our early hounds without breeding “too close”. The only snag was that Roslyn (Below) was by now almost 7 years of age.
Well, don’t ever tell a Fernhill gal that she is too old to do something!!
Fernhill’s Equinox and Fernhill’s Elegy arrived September 21, 2007, two miracles of modern cryogenics and much effort by the Biehls, Richard and Roslyn.
Roslyn, who has always cherished her puppies, was particularly loving with these two, perhaps knowing that they were very special, and also her last!
First ring training… Roslyn to Equinox: “That’s it son, but remember – head up; tail down!”
Below: Mojave, who couldn’t believe his luck when Roslyn provided him with two animated squeaky toys to cuddle and care for…
Equinox went off to Florida in early January 2008 to live with Joey and Christie and become their “little Weed”. Elegy, our bitch pup, is staying here at Fernhill to get spoilt rotten….who can resist that face when she says “I’m toooo tired to walk”?
More than just a pretty face … Below: Elegy at 6 months. Yes, both pups “self stack” just like sire Glen Fiddich and grandsire Fen.
Above: Equinox facing down the “water snake” in Florida (6 months)
Elegy stalking the wild asparagus at Fern Hill (7 weeks)
We can’t say enough how grateful we are for Christie and Joey’s farsightedness and kindness. This is a litter like no other litter we have ever had.
Fernhill’s Camille – a HOUND GROUP WINNER October 2007 at age 10+ !!
What whim possessed Alistair Sutherland to take Fernhill’s Camille in October 2007 to the Ottawa Valley show at Munston, Ontario, given she had only been to one other show ever? We will never know because in the thrill and excitement of hearing that Camille won the Hound Group we forgot to ask. In the pouring rain, Camille, easily out-moved all the other hound winners in her eagerness to get back into the car. Judge Francois Bernier was totally astonished when he heard that his Group winner was over ten (yes 10+) years old!
Above: Fernhill’s Camille dam of Tyee, Tillicum, Gabriola, Cameron, Darcy (with Ch. Fernhill’s Torquil) and dam of Reinagle, Roslyn and Reiba (with Ch. Lehigh Urquhart (“Gordy”), now becomes Fernhill’s oldest Hound Group Winner! Yea – Grey Power! We are very grateful that Alistair Sutherland’s father Bruce, had so much pleasure from, and took such wonderful care of Camille in the last years of his life.
Other New Events
In 2007, our great friends Gail and Andrew Lamb together with their daughter Isla and the magnificent Fernhill’s Havoc Chace with his sidekick Big Sky Astrid O’Fernhill deserted Ontario and moved back to Victoria, British Columbia. This was a real blow to our social circle as Gail, Andrew and Isla were the focus of our Burns Supper on the great bard’s birthday every January 25th, our St. Andrew’s parties, and Andrew served as official bagpiper at many Fernhill and Innisfree Farm events. We miss them terribly, especially when they phone in February from Victoria and gloat over the spring flowers while we know that we have three more months of snow to endure. Gail plans to initiate her retirement in 2009 with a litter from Astrid, which is really something to look forward to and will certainly require many trips out west.
Gail and Big Sky Astrid O’Fernhill
Andrew Lamb and Isla, Remembrance Day, 2007
One major change affecting our future was the decision to sell most of our Highland cattle. Our current herd is the remnant of a hand selected group made up of blacks, duns, silver duns, yellows and reds. From a cow and calf purchased in 1973, the herd was built up in the 1980s with a major importation from the Trossach and Nordesk folds of British Columbia. At its peak at almost 100 head, Fernhill Highlands were the second largest purebred herd in Canada. Just before Christmas 2007, all our cows and heifers rolled down the driveway to a new home in Quebec and we were left with our oldest dun cow and 7 bulls.
Thirteen has always been our lucky number and never was there a more providential day than August 13, 2004 when Susan Trow (“Caretta”) moved to Fernhill from Quebec. Having such a kindred spirit in our tiny 1850’s converted carriage shed (Below: a.k.a. “Susan’s Coach House”) has added a wonderful dimension to our lives.
We have hiked with our dogs together, gone together to shows and coursing meets, had our meals together, borrowed the proverbial cup of sugar from each other, we’ve debated Deerhound performance, conformation issues, breed history, and shared reading material, laughed together, cried together and we couldn’t have found a kinder more cheerful companion…
Then in the Fall of 2007 Susan purchased a new home in Quebec and when the renovations are complete, she will be leaving Fernhill, likely in June 2008. That will be a HUGE change in our lives and after sharing so many good times together for four years, we will miss her, Marcus, Mandolin and Legacy tremendously.
But, some things just don’t change, such as our incredibly beautiful autumns (Below: the trail to the pond at Fernhill)
Below: That visitors using the Fernhill Guest House are always welcomed!
That even the trees at Fernhill are in love!
Below: And the hawks continue to soar over the fields of Fernhill and Innisfree (photos by Nigel Shaw taken at the raptor banding station on our Innisfree Farm)
Below: The work maintaining two farms never ends … Richard with a new “Mae West” silo top that he shingled
and is now ready to be installed on the Innisfree Farm silo
Below: Despite the Deerhounds, the deer continue to flourish at Fernhill and Innisfree farms
(Photos by Richard from the Innisfree Farm kitchen window)
And elsewhere, the prowess of Fernhill Deerhounds in the hunt remains undiminished … Fernhill’s Linden bringing home some whitetail deer soup bones for Sue Winsor, Bragg Creek, Alberta
Below: Tony Bennett and his Fernhill’s Lochiel blasting out of the slips … first time hunting the elusive white baggie…
And then back at home, a kinder and gentler Lochiel with his favourite toys….
Oh yes, and despite global warming the interminable winters in Canada really don’t seem to get much shorter…
(Photos by a shivering Susan Trow)
Regardless……. whether it be rain or shine, sleet or snow, the “walkies” always take place… see also, courtesy of Len and Barb Yaroski, Fernhill-A Sunday Jaunt:
AND we continue to undertake Sighthound and Deerhound research …
The Scottish Deerhound: Its History and Preservation is still “in progress” (patience please!)
Recently published articles include;
- Fritsch, Gabriele and Oliver, Richard Hawkins (2006) “Deerhounds at Hunting by Fr. B. Laska, 1898” The Performance Sighthound Journal Vol. 3(1) January /March : 20 – 25; Vol. 3 (2) April/June: 19 – 23; Vol. 3 (3) July/September : 34 – 39
- Hawkins, Richard (2006) “What is a Sighthound” Dogs in Canada Vol. 97 (9): 25 – 30 (This piece on Sighthound Group classification with reference to lure coursing in North America was nominated and short-listed as finalist in the essay category for the 2006 Dog Writers Association of America awards)
- Heidenreich, Barbara (2006) “C.F. Gordon and Spey of the Foothills” The Claymore November/December 2006 : 26 – 28
- Hawkins, Richard (2007) “Sighthound Identity” The Performance Sighthound Journal Vol. 4 (3): 36 – 47
- Heidenreich, Barbara and Richard Hawkins (2007) “Longevity in Scottish Deerhounds” The Claymore May/June : 15 – 18
- Heidenreich, Barbara (2007) “Finnish Deerhound Specialty August 4, 2007 – Judge’s Impressions” MaSkotti 2/2007 liite: 8 – 12
All these articles are available as a PDF by sending a request to
Our best wishes to all … may we be kinder to each other and tread lighter on this earth in 2008