Our Vision

With pictures of the great Deerhounds of the past etched in our minds, constant testing for function and of course that most important criterion of all, a healthy loving companion, we have tried to maintain a breed type that is true to its origins.

Champion Ayrshire whelped 1904
We believe this is the quintessential Deerhound

American Canadian Champion Fernhill’s Esprit b.1988

Esprit, whelped eighty years after Ayrshire, is almost a clone of this great Deerhound and she too was recognized by judges and breeders as a glorious example of true Deerhound type with multiple all breed Best in Show and Specialty Best in Show wins.

Buscar, a Highland Deer-hound, of the original breed, belonging to Mr. MacNeill …”
An engraving by Thomas Landseer, after Edwin Landseer – from William Scrope, The Art of Deer Stalking 1838.

Fernhill’s Turbulent Indigo b. 1996, pictured above and some head photos below.
Whelped a hundred and fifty years after Buscar, “Indy” catches my breath in the field with his striking resemblance to this engraving.
